◎ Having pioneered our ability to supply to every corner or the globe, Our capacity to handle containerised seaports has continued to see new heights every.
◎ With container shipping industry going through an unpresidented situation in the recent years, on account of the Global COVID. the container shipping industry posed a greater challenge to global exports and imports with very high cost of shipping and lack of space. this situation diminished the global trade volume, and there was necessity to seek solution to this supply crisis.
◎ GGK was one amount the very few companies in the Nation, to conceive the idea of shipping through Break bulks. Given the cost, administration and transportation challenges.
◎ GGK through its very efficient thinking managed to keep its export volumes high despite market challenges, and achieved a significant growth in its exports.
◎ With having to handle Breakbulk, GGK is now confident of accessing every form of transport to cater to its clients, and have proved its capacity to seek and apply solutions despite challenging situations.